Posted in 2018 Games, World Equestrian Games at 8:24 pm by Thomas
So by now I figure most everyone has heard the news that Bromont has pulled out of hosting the 2018 Games. Of course by now that is old news and in some ways didn’t come as a surprise because as much as I wanted Bromont to be successful I had yet to see any indication that they had ever gotten the financial needs worked out and it seems the expectation had been that the Canadian Federal Government would bail them out. That of course didn’t happen and worst then that the Feds let them know in no uncertain terms that that wasn’t going to happen and at the same time investigations had started into some of the promises made by the Mayor of Bromont.
All and All not a good situation and even though it puts Kentucky back in the running to host the Games in 2018, it does real damage to the future of the Games. Now with all that said there is only one thing to do, fight to get the Games back in Kentucky and make them successful both to benefit Kentucky and to shore up the future of the Games. Of course there has been a number of people saying negative things about the success of the Games in 2010, personally I think it is a fairly easy argument to make that the Games were successful. I know some people point to some raw numbers and say we spent more then we made but I think when you look out the amount spent on the Horse Park as a long term investment and consider what kind of Signature Event the Games were for Kentucky I can’t think of anything else that could bring that kind of long term value to the state. Only this week the USEF signed a 40 year lease and plans on building a new 3 story headquarters at the Horse Park not sure how that is anything but a positive outcome from the Games.
So back to the 2018 Games, I still haven’t heard what deal is going to be worked out between Rolex and Longines but something will have to because even the other 2 venues, Wellington and Aachen that might be up to pulling off the Games in 2 years have the same issue that the Horse Park has in regards to the contract the Longines has with the FEI which is the only thing that knocked us out of getting the Games last year. My hope of course is that Rolex and Longines understand the benefits of the Games and that it is in neither of their interest for the Games to fail to go on in 2018. Personally I still have real doubts that Wellington could host the Games and certainly not with less then 2 years to go to be ready. Aachen is in a better place from the stand point of capability but and I am afraid this is a big but, the security situation in Europe is much more unstable then they let on and I see no reason to expect that to be better in 2 years, in fact I expect it to be worse. So again this really leaves only 1 option, the Kentucky Horse Park and I think the FEI is acutely aware that if Kentucky bids for it again and gets the snub that even I would say we make no further plans to bid for it again and that we come up with our own event with or without FEI sanction. Now with that said, I don’t think it will come to that, I really believe third time is the charm and that the FEI has not choice because there is no way to host the Games in a venue that hasn’t previously and recently held the Games because of the time crunch they are under.
So I ask, and a lot of you I am going to ask personally to enthusiastically support Kentucky bidding and hosting the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games. This means for those who know any elected officially get them on board, even if that is your county sheriff because you will be surprised how important local law enforcement is to this kind of event to provide the man power and support needed for security. Those of you in business, let people know that you believe this event is good for your business either by the direct publicity it brings your business or by the new business it generates in the state. Those of you who volunteered for the 2010 Games let people know you would do it again, I volunteered for 12 of the 16 days and know I would do it again because it was a great experience.
I still have the one year to go poster hanging on my wall that says, “GET YOUR GAMES FACE ON.”, its time to do it again Kentucky. The Games were a success the first time around, and they will be an even bigger success the second time because we have the experience and the passion. My slogan this time is going to be “Y’ALL COME BACK NOW”, because people did come back to Kentucky after the Games last time so we should certainly invite them to come back after the second time.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, My Thoughts, Olympics, Rio 2016, Summer Olympic Games at 4:32 pm by Thomas
The Olympics generate lots of news both good and bad that can have all sorts of down stream effects on events coming afterwards. Now to what effect all the negative press for the Rio 2016 Olympics is having on Bromont’s work in preparing for the 2018 World Equestrian Games, no one can say for sure but you will find no one that would say its having no effect because it shows the perils of hosting Global events and certainly provides ample ammunition to Bromont and WEG’s detractors.
With all that said I am still cautiously hopeful that the 2018 Games will be successful and that Kentucky will pursue and land the 2022 or more likely now the 2026 Games. I say that last part because I very much suspect that there are significant powers looking to get the Games down under in Australia or back to Europe and our current political situations make it unlikely that we will even pursue a 2022 bid. I would certainly love to see us go for and get the 2022 Games, BUT, and I put that in caps because I feel its a big but, I have to be a realist and pursuing the 2022 Games might not be in the best interest of Kentucky because the odds maybe already stacked against us and we would be spending resources that would be better saved for the 2026 bid which I really feel will have to be a do or die kind of effort.
Next month I will have more on what I feel the plan should be to get the Games back to Kentucky!
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, Rolex Kentucky 3 Day Event at 9:20 pm by Thomas
Michael Jung of Germany repeated in 2016 winning the Rolex Grand Slam Events and I had the good fortune of tail-gating at the Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event to watch him. In other news Adelaide, South Australia has given interest in hosting the 2022 FEI World Equestrian Games which would be another first for the Games. I didn’t make it to Sydney for the 200o Summer Olympics so I would certainly have to put it on my bucket list to go if they were successful, with that said of course I am still hopeful that we will submit a winning bid for the 2022 Games. On a personal note, our horses are showing well and warm weather has finally arrived so Spring has been good on many levels.
Of course we have to take the bad with the good and a number of things have occurred in the last several months that I feel must be addressed because they are part of the horse world. I guess the first to address is a number of deaths of Eventers that has been reported this spring. Ultimately Eventing is a dangerous sport and that is something anyone competing in it knows but it doesn’t make any of us feel any better when we hear about the death or injury of someone enjoying something we enjoy as well. First I want to say to the families that have lost someone you have my deepest sympathies and even though we all will say they were doing something they loved it doesn’t make it any easier for those left behind.
On another somewhat dubious note, Bromont is having a number of issues related to hosting the 2018, Horse Canada just had an extensive article on it that you can read here . Some may think I would be happy that Bromont was having issues, in no way do I consider Bromont’s issues a good thing for Kentucky because it is certainly not a good thing for WEG. Remember there was a time before the World Equestrian Games, it was called the 80’s so I maybe more then others is acutely aware that WEG could vanish again. There has been much talk even before Kentucky hosted the Games about going back to just having the European Championships. So to say this Spring has been turbulent like a Spring Thunderstorm in Kentucky might be stating it mildly. So here is hoping that June brings a more sunny outlook on the horse world.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, Breeders Cup, My Thoughts, Thoroughbred Racing, World Games 2010 Foundation at 11:10 pm by Thomas
As I look back on 2015 I am reminded of why this site came into existence, ten years ago this month the announcement was made that Kentucky had won the right to host the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games. As Lexington Kentucky is consider the Horse Capital of the World I dubbed them the Kentucky World Equestrian Games and launched this site as a means to put my talents to use supporting those and future Games. The 2010 Games are of course a bit more then 5 years in the past now though I still believe their impact is felt in this region.
The big example for this year was the 2015 Breeders Cup, which myself and others feel has a direct connection to the 2010 Games, even those who say the Breeders Cup would have eventually come to Lexington with out us hosting the Games can’t deny that the Games at the very least brought it here sooner then it otherwise may have naturally occurred. I actually tend to disagree with that as it doesn’t really make sense that it should take the Breeders Cup 31 years to come to Keeneland considering the history and importance of this track but I know there are individuals who can make the argument why Keeneland hadn’t and my response to them then is, then why now, what changed, after a moment of their puzzlement, I say, the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is what happened.
Though we didn’t win the bid in 2014 to host the 2018 Games, Bromont’s win was still viewed as a plus because it again brought the Games to North America, so we were disappointed to hear recently that there are some questions about the integrity of the final proposal in regards to the final document submitted by the Mayor of Bromont. The current information on the investigation can be found here. Our hope is this is more a technicality in that not all the details were clearly documented as opposed to a more blatant omission of who was ultimately responsible for the financial requirements of the Games.
Looking forward to 2016, we hope we can be more involved in continuing the case to our new Governor to submit a bid for the 2022 Games. On a personal note we are leading our county 4-H Horse Program and are looking forward in being involved in the next generation of horse industry leaders.
Happy New Year 2016!
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games at 9:38 pm by Thomas
The 2018 World Equestrian Games in Bromont are less then 38 months away and preparations are well under way. COJEM2018 (Comité Organisateur des Jeux Équestres Mondiaux) is the organizing committee NPO of the 2018 Games which has already been at work for more then 6 months to get the ball rolling after the tough but successful Games last year in Normandy France. Now coming to what many consider the France of the West, for only the second time outside of Europe adds a level of pressure to be as successful as Lexington was in hosting the 2010 Games.
One of the early decisions on logistics that I applauded was the decision to exclude all none event required vehicles from the venue grounds and shuttling all spectators and non-essential staff from staging areas around the city. This is one of the ideas I am pushing for Lexington’s next bid for the Games because traffic logistics is always the largest headache with these kind of events because of how it can strangulate the overall logistics as well as being a security night mare.
In order to provide the best experience for the participants, the Teams will be allowed to drive into the venues and all efforts are being made to provide them accommodations within a 30 minute drive of the their venues. Most spectators are expected to seek accommodations in Montreal and public transportation will be setup to get them from their hotels to the venues.
I will continue to compile more of the information I am getting and provide further updates.
For those interested in volunteering you can sign up at this link.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games at 10:34 pm by Thomas
I have been trying to keep up with all the events at WEG (Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014) in Normandy France from here in the States but do to the time difference and other obligations I have not been able to catch any of the live video of the competitions. Ultimately what I have been hearing through the proverbial grape vine hasn’t been good, now I always take internet chatter with a certain grain of salt but there does seem to be a bit confirmation in the variety of sources that are reporting issues. Keep in mind a large event like this is always going to have some issues and people’s expectations for this event were a bit out of line with what the French were going to be able to do given certain financial, political and logistical constraints they had. This is a tough one for France because they are looking to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics and how these Games are perceived to have went will certainly have a bearing on that bid especially given the competition they will face from the Germans for the 2024 Olympics. I want to be clear, I want to see these Games be successful because I want to see the World Equestrian Games out live me and return to Kentucky at least a couple of more times before I pass. So I am wishing everyone currently at the Games, all my best whether you be competitor, spectator, volunteer or official and may I say one more thing to the volunteers, no matter what, your service will make these Games better then they otherwise would of been, so to everyone else, please be nice to the volunteers, because if you are having a tough day, I can assure you theirs is tougher.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games at 9:50 pm by Thomas
So the announcement came out earlier today and as many of you can guess, my disappointment was significant. I really did believe in my heart and soul that we would win the bid to host the World Equestrian Games again in 2018 and even in my very logical brain I could easily support the argument for why Lexington was the logical choice. Now with that said, the one argument that I always knew undid the rest of the logical reasons why the Games should come back to Lexington was the very fact that we had had them only 4 years before. This actually is a real factor, though its impossible to judge the real impact on the decision but you can not discount it. In the end I don’t look at why we didn’t win the Games to look for something wrong in the past, I look at this as a way to be better in the future.
I want to first and foremost congratulate and wish Bromont and Canada as a whole Great Success with these Games and if there is anything I can offer to help I will be glad to. As I have said many times before, I am passionate about these Games, as a Horse person its just an awesome concept, and I always want to see them be successful whether they are in Lexington or not. I actually hope that the Games in Normandy are better than they were in Lexington and that the Games in Bromont are better than Normandy. This is how you keep anything going, event, business even your personal happiness, you have to keep setting the bar a little higher each time and this makes us strive to want to do these things. My real concern for the Games is that they are not successful one year and everyone who is of a negative personality piles on and says see, the Games are not worth it and people stop wanting to pursue the Games.
So going forward, my plans haven’t really changed. I will continue to pursue opportunities that help me be successful and help me to pursue bringing the World Equestrian Games back to Lexington, whether that is sooner or later, I will persever and I will see the Games back here.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, World Equestrian Games at 9:36 pm by Thomas
The Chronicle of the Horse has broken the news that Wellington, Florida has withdrawn its bid to host the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games. So we are left with Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington and Bromont, Quebec Canada to give their final bid presentations in June to decide the host city for the 2018 Games.
Go Kentucky!
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2010 Games, 2018 Games, John Nicholson, Kentucky Horse Park, My Thoughts at 11:53 pm by Thomas
First, I will start off by saying Happy New Year, you may say I am a little late but I have learned you need to savior the New Year and give Thanks to the old before moving on. I am thankful for many things in life, my family and friends first and the many people who cross my path if even but once but who give a piece of themselves to me. In that regard I want to give thanks to Mr. John Nicholson for his service over the years at the Kentucky Horse Park, though we have never met but in passing, his influence and the events he has put in motion have certainly provided a unique and positive environment in which to grow in certain aspects of my life. I wish him a well deserved, long and healthy retirement, and hopefully I will get the chance to shake his hand one day to convey my appreciation for all he has done.
Now, before shifting gears on to my resolutions, let me speak to the other side of the coin regarding Mr. Nicholson’s retirement. I have had discussions with some today on that very topic in regards to what it means for our bid for the 2018 Games. Again, I do not know Mr. Nicholson personally, but have listened to him enough and seen his actions to think to offer some insight into the impact of his decision which I believe he made fully with the best interest of the Horse Park in his decision. He certainly has earned his retirement and whether we get the 2018 Games or not will certainly not diminish that and as I still believe we will be successful in our bid that will certainly be a testament to the position he has put the Horse Park in. His stepping aside now allows for the selection of a new Executive Director with enough time before the formal bid to give that individual the time to get comfortable in their new position but not too comfortable. My take on Mr. Nicholson would have been had he still been around in June, he would not have felt he could step down until after the 2018 Games and that would of been a lot to ask of the man, because for someone like him, preparing for the Games isn’t a job it’s a total immersion that touches every aspect of your life. So ultimately I see his retirement as a well thought out decision with the most positive possible out come for the Horse Park.
My resolutions are simple and straight forward. I will continue to work towards always being a better person as I get older and to be thankful for all that I have in my life. A significant part of that will be to do what I can to be a positive influence on the conditions in Kentucky. In regards to what I am doing here that means being dedicated to seeing Kentucky host the World Equestrian Games again and for that to be a positive to the people of the Commonwealth.
One final resolution or maybe I should call it a proclamation. I still continue to believe that we will be successful in winning the bid to host the 2018 Games but if we are not it will not trouble me for a day because I will be working towards seeing us host at some other date in the future for Kentucky is the Horse Capital of the World as we have been blessed by the horse.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond

Posted in 2010 Games, 2018 Games at 8:51 pm by Thomas
I am not sure how many remember that it was this day 8 years ago when the announcement broke that Kentucky had been selected to host the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games. And so the story began, like most there were moments when it didn’t look like we would make it, but in the end, the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games were considered a success for all involved.
So here we are today, in the hunt to host the 2018 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, of course everyone expected that at this point Bromont would be preparing to host the Games. Bromont is still one of the 3 potential host sites but I think calling them a long shot is probably being generous. Lexington is still the odds on favorite for all the obvious reasons, though, before I get hate mail from the Wellington faithful, I will say Wellington is going to make it a horse race. Now I still believe this is Lexington’s to lose, but if the competing parties in Wellington can come together and show that they can work together in an extended way that gives everyone confidence that their presentation isn’t full of hot air like a Florida summer, I would certainly support them for the 2022 Games. Now again, before I get hate mail, that is not intended as a slap at Wellington, more as a friendly challenge.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, Alltech National Horse Show, Dr. Pearse Lyons at 10:00 pm by Thomas
I took my family out to the Alltech National Horse Show yesterday and can say we had an excellent time. We had tickets to both the Kentucky Savor Event in the afternoon as well as for the $250,000 Grand Prix so we had a full day at the Alltech Arena. I was actually surprised at the crowds in the Arena, though I guess I shouldn’t as Alltech has added a lot of different events and activities in and around the Arena so there is a little something for everyone. Again, this should not be anything that surprises me because Alltech as an extension of Dr. Lyons leadership backed by his passion and imagination looks to always learn from what they have done in the past and improve on it. This is why I came away from the show last night being even more certain that Kentucky would be successful in winning the bid for the 2018 Games. Alltech set the stage for what they and Kentucky have to offer for the 2018 Games, which is leadership built on a passion and imagination that has led to the success at Alltech and the success of the 2010 Games.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games at 8:27 am by Thomas
The word came out late yesterday that the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) has withdrawn their bid for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games. I am not surprised as the BEF was making lots of stipulations on what they wanted changed about the Games in order for them to host and on the time schedule we now find ourselves, the FEI wasn’t in a position to change much. Ultimately I believe, Great Britain was the real competition we had for these Games.
So now that the British are out of the hunt, that only leaves Kentucky, Wellington and Bromont going forward. Of course I still do not consider Wellington a viable choice because of the political situation in Wellington which is only a little less contentious then the Hatfield-McCoy Feud because nobody has died yet, though I am afraid with the amount of money involved that is only a matter of time. Bromont is at least politically more stable but the Canadians are still dealing with the hang over from the 76 Summer Olympics, namely that it took them 30 years to pay off the debt from them. I know there was some feeling among the Canadians that they needed to find a way to host these Games after everyone else had dropped out because they didn’t want to be blamed if the 2018 Games didn’t occur at all. I know many are going to say that wouldn’t be a possibility, trust me, that is more a realistic possibility then you would ever get anyone in official circles to admit publicly.
Of course this all brings me to say what I have been saying since the last Games ended, that we could and would host the Games again. Ultimately I was certain before Britain withdrew that we would be hosting the 2018 Games, this is just one more event that brings us closer to that formal conclusion and announcement in the Spring. So I need everyone to start getting ready, as I have heard the complaints raised, to address those for the 2018 Games means you need to get involved and speak up early.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, News Worthy at 9:46 am by Thomas
So it’s official, FEI announced this morning that Kentucky had formally expressed interest in hosting the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games. November 15th is the deadline for the return of the Bid Applicant Questionnaires, and then the FEI will make the announcement on December 2nd as to the host city candidates. Those candidates will then make their formal presentations at the FEI Bureau Spring meeting and the decision will be announced at the end of that meeting. I have not seen the date for that meeting yet but would of course suspect it will be prior to the Kentucky Rolex so expecting us to have much to celebrate then.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, Alltech, Dr. Pearse Lyons, FEI, Governor Beshear, John Nicholson at 11:31 pm by Thomas
The second article in a little over the week has come out touting the possibility of the 2018 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games being back in Kentucky. This article was written by Nancy Jaffer for EquiSearch who had discussions with both John Nicholson and Dr. Pearse Lyons and all indications from those discussions were that the idea of us hosting the 2018 Games was under active consideration, though Mr. Nicholson did temper that by saying “that should not imply a decision has been made”.
Now, based on my research and discussions with others there is certainly an opportunity for us to host the 2018 Games if we so desire. I will go as far as to say that currently the decision has been made and indicated to FEI that we are interested in hosting them. I should and will clarify, that is NOT information that I have gotten directly from the horse’s mouth, excuse the pun, by which I mean anyone in close contact with the 3 needed principals, Dr. Lyons, John Nicholson or the Governor Steve Beshear. Dr. Lyons pretty much hinted though that, that is where the decision lies at the moment, that is to say the Governor is doing the political calculation on whether there would be support for it within our Legislative body to pursue a fast track formal bid. Now the Governor is not facing re-election but I am sure he doesn’t want to start the process of us formally submitting a bid only to then have the Legislature not provide support for it when the come back into Session after the first of the year, being as this upcoming Session will be a Budget Session for Fiscal Years 2015-2016.
My best guess/gut is a formal announcement will be made this month, possibly as early as the 10th or as late as the end of the Alltech National Horse Show which would take us into early November. If a formal announcement one way or the other isn’t made by then I would have to say that highly suggests we are not going to pursue a bid to host. Stay tuned as you know I will be staying on top of this story.
Here is the link to Nancy Jaffer’s article.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games, My Thoughts, The Lane Report at 11:21 pm by Thomas
Its been exactly 3 years since the start of the 2010 World Equestrian Games and I am blown away by how quickly that time seems to have gone by. This December will mark 8 years since the announcement that we had won the right to host the Games. A lot of hard work by a lot of dedicated people occurred between that announcement and this date 3 years ago. I played a small part during that time as well as volunteering for 12 of the 16 days of the Games and was/am proud of my participation and humbled by the experience all at the same time. Of course I am ready to do it all over again and as much as I have talked about the possibility of us getting it back, most time I felt a bit alone in that endeavor. I do know that it took a lot out of a lot of people but I have always believed after some time the true positives of us hosting the Games would be what people remembered and that a spark would ignite the fire again to seek them once more.
This week I believe that happened, Mark Green of The Lane Report wrote a piece on the idea of Kentucky getting the Games back for 2018, which of course is sooner then even I dreamed anybody would suggest. First let me say, part of my excitement, and my wife can attest that I was actually excited after reading Mark’s article, was just knowing I wasn’t totally alone in believing that I would live to see the Games back in Kentucky again, and I believe that to the point of knowing it in my heart and soul. What takes the excitement even to a higher level is that this was an article published by The Lane Report which by all standards I have seen over the years is a well read and well considered publication both in and out of the Commonwealth. Now I have to assume they, meaning the editors who had to approve Mark’s article, had to feel it had some merit and interest to their readership because its a publication that likes and needs to be taken seriously to stay in business because there is a significant segment of the business community in this area that looks to The Lane Report for some level of guidance in how and where business in this area is going. Obviously more then a few business leaders read this article and stopped to ponder the implications of what if we did get the Games back in 2018. I highly suspect those editors at The Lane Report are well aware of the implications of such pondering because successful business leaders will tell you that a key to being successfully is having a plan that runs 5 to 1o years out in the future and being prepared to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.
I know we may not get the 2018 Games, but my plans go out much farther then that so I won’t be disappointed if they are not here in 2018 because I will know I am still that much closer to seeing them back, One Day!
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2018 Games at 10:01 pm by EPR
Will the 2018 World Equestrian Games jump back into Kentucky?
FEI to reopen bidding process for 2018 Games
By Mark Green
Eight countries initially indicated an interest in bidding for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games, according to recent world news reports. The countries indicating interest were Canada, Morocco, Austria, the U.S.A., Hungary, Australia, Russia and Sweden.

The 2010 World Equestrian Games were conducted in Kentucky.
Australian, Swedish and Russian applications were withdrawn prior to the start of the official bid process, leaving five bidders for the 2018 games – Wellington, Fla., USA; Rabat, Morocco; Bromont, Quebec, Canada; Budapest, Hungary; and Vienna, Austria.
For various reasons, all bidders but Bromont, Quebec, elected to withdraw from the final bidding process.
In July, the FEI rejected the Bromont bid and announced it would reopen the bidding process because Bromont did not provide the necessary financial guarantees on or before the day it was due to be awarded the bid for the 2018 World Games.
Because the FEI will be reopening the bid for the 2018 World Games, it seems appropriate for Kentucky to consider indicating its interest in hosting the 2018 Games.
Research studies conducted on the Alltech 2010 FEI World Games at the Kentucky Horse Park indicate a 2018 repeat performance in Kentucky is a very viable opportunity:
• In the autumn of 2010 (FY11), the Horse Park hosted the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. The 16 days of the games alone had a total economic impact of $201.5 million, including $18.4 million in state taxes, according to a report commissioned by the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet and conducted by Certec Inc.
• For FY11 as a whole – excluding the 2010 Games – the cabinet calculated the park’s economic impact to be $179 million, generating $14.2 million in taxes. As a result of combined events and activities held at the Kentucky Horse Park during FY11, $32.6 million in tax revenues were added to the general fund of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
• The total attendance at the 2010 Games was 507,000.
• On four days of the 2010 Games, the attendance was more than 40,000 persons.
• 96 percent of residents felt hosting the 2010 event was beneficial to Kentucky.
• 74 percent of international visitors stated they were likely to return to Kentucky as a result of the World Games.
• TV channels around the world aired 1,556 broadcasts. Total broadcast time was 474 hours.
• 38 hours were broadcast in the United States, of which 20 were live.
All research data seem to indicate hosting the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games in Kentucky would be a winning and financially successful idea for the FEI and Kentucky. Due to the quality facilities already in place at the Kentucky Horse Park, the financial investment and risk of hosting the 2018 World Games would likely be greatly reduced.
I have posted this from the Lane Report in its entirety, original article is by Mark Green and can be found here .
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