Posted in Fall Colors, Kentucky at 5:11 pm by Thomas
So the weather has continued to be warm and wet this week and that has seemingly slowed the color change to a crawl. The truth is the leaves are changing and dropping a little at a time so by the time the process really gets going there may not be many leaves left. The best colors that we are hearing about are several hours away in the Blue Ridge mountains above the 5000 foot mark.
There is a strong cold front rolling through tonight that will usher in more normal temperatures for this time of the year. We are expected to see several mornings in the 30’s that will hopefully kick start more color for next weekend. Of course wind and rain is not a good combination when you want leaves to stay on a tree but thinking the leave loss won’t be too great.
I snapped a few pictures late in the day with the sun coming through the clouds.

Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in Fall Colors, Kentucky, State Parks at 8:22 pm by Thomas
Its hard to believe its Fall in Kentucky given the warm temperatures, and though the temperatures are warm the days grow shorter and that brings on the amazing change of our Fall colors. Kentucky has been blessed with an abundance of foliage types that provide for a collage of colors and textures this time of year.
The warmth and abundance of moisture has slowed the process but it can’t stop it, so currently in Central Kentucky the colors are minimal and seem limited to our Poplars and Ash trees, with the primary color being yellow. In Kentucky the best place for early colors is South Eastern Kentucky where colors should be nearing their peak and it progresses to the North West over about 2 weeks, though based on what I am seeing the peak dates could be late by as much as 2 weeks. I will try and get out to a number of places to get pictures to document the change.
As for where to go see the colors, I am going to recommend a number of our State Parks for weekend getaways to see the colors over my next couple of posts. I will start with Pine Mountain State Resort Park because of its location and elevation should be seeing good colors. I will check with my sources over the next couple of days to get some more detailed information on the colors down there and see what the latest weather forecast is for the next weekend.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond