We Want You As A WEG Volunteer!
KyWEGO® Kentucky World Equestrian Games Citizens Action Group
The request has went out for volunteers for the 2018 World Equestrian Games at Tryon, North Carolina. The Games are scheduled to start September 10, 2018 and go through the 23rd, though as a volunteer you are not expected to do every day of the Games. For the 2010 Games I did 12 of the 16 days and I was being a bit of an over achiever. If you are like most people and you can spare a week though I recommend doing at least 4 or 5 days as a volunteer and this will leave you some time for travel and a day or two to be a spectator while you are there, this is probably what I will end up doing. The hope with an event like this is to have no more then 3 distinct sets of volunteers which means you need them to average 4 or 5 days and to have some overlap. I hope many of you will sign up, my experience at the 2010 World Equestrian Games is something I will always remember and cherish.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond