Posted in Kentucky Horse Park, KyWEGO, My Thoughts, New Year, World Equestrian Games at 7:40 pm by Thomas
A decade ago at the close of 2009, the plans were well underway for the 2010 World Equestrian Games here in Lexington, Kentucky. The Aachen Games of 2006, four years prior had been considered a success and so there was much optimism for the success of our Games. Almost ten years later I would say our optimism was well placed in that the investments that were made ten plus years ago continue to pay off and certainly strengthened Lexington’s Horse Capital of the World mantra and so the future for Lexington continues to look bright. The Games in 2014 and 2018 were fraught with a number of issues with the Games at Tryon even being besieged by the remnants of a Hurricane.
Now as we close out 2019 though, the future for the World Equestrian Games is not so bright. For all practical purposes, the Games no longer exist in their single venue form. Now the individual championships are held in separate locations at different times which is simpler to do but takes away some of the grandness of the World Equestrian Games format. This tends to diminish the level of general media attention Equestrian sports get overall but is probably healthier for the individual sports because WEG was starting to suffer from the same sort of bloat that the Olympics are known for.
My hope is that one day, probably 20 years in the future we will bring back the full World Equestrian Games to the Kentucky Horse Park for at least one more go because I do think it is a worthwhile endeavor.
In the near term, I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year for 2020, may this new decade bring you great happiness and joy in all your endeavors, equestrian and otherwise.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park at 7:49 pm by EPR
Ichthus Music Festival and Traveling Vietnam Wall Among Week’s Scheduled Events
LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 6, 2015) – During the coming week, July 8 to 12, the Kentucky Horse Park expects to experience heavier than normal traffic due to several special events scheduled to take place at the facility. In addition to two scheduled horse shows, the USMGA World Team Challenge, July 9-12, and the Champagne Run Horse Trials, July 10-12; the park will be hosting the much anticipated return of the Ichthus music festival to the Bluegrass, July 8-11, and the Traveling Vietnam Wall, July 9-12.
Ichthus guests who are camping should enter the park via the KHP Campground entrance. Ichthus day-ticket holders should park in the main visitor lot, following the signs designated for Ichthus entry. It is suggested that all Ichthus patrons use Newtown Pike, and Interstate-75, Exit 115, to approach the park on Iron Works Pike from the east.
All other park visitors, including horse show participants and competitors, should enter the park’s main entrance. Delays can be expected during peak times.
The Traveling Vietnam Wall is expected to arrive at the park on Wednesday, July 8, at 3:30 p.m., escorted by an honor guard of approximately 500 motorcyclists from I-75, Exit 120. Traffic will be stopped at the main entrance to allow unimpeded entry for the wall and escorts. The Traveling Vietnam Wall will be available with free admission and parking to all visitors 24 hours per day, from noon on Thursday, July 9, to 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 12.
Any additional traffic information will be updated on the park’s website in the News section, at www.KyHorsePark.com.
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park at 9:39 pm by EPR
Fence Maintenance Costs will be Redirected to Key Operational Needs
LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 2, 2015) – The Kentucky Horse Park will soon be transitioning almost 30 miles of white plank fencing to black fencing. The white fencing has been in place since the iconic facility opened in 1978. The park is making this transition due to the economic and operational realities of maintaining white fencing versus black fencing.
“We realize the significance of this change and fully understand and appreciate the tradition of the white fencing at the park,” said Kentucky Horse Park Executive Director Jamie Link. “But the reality is that white fence paint costs about three times as much as black paint, white fencing requires repainting at least twice as often as black fencing, and white fencing requires more routine maintenance and resources to keep it at an appropriate level for the Kentucky Horse Park.”
The park anticipates an average cost avoidance of more than $50,000 per year with this change. With the cost difference of the paint, as well as the labor required to maintain and paint fencing, the park would rather devote its very limited resources to its horses and guests.
“We plan to begin the fence paint transition very soon,” Link said. “We will start with pressure washing, scraping or replacing damaged boards and then apply black paint when the wood surface is adequately prepared. The entire project will take several weeks, perhaps a few months, as weather and resources allow.”
The Kentucky Horse Park joins most every other horse farm and equine facility in central Kentucky and beyond that utilizes black plank fencing. All fencing directly around horse show rings, however, will remain white for better visibility and safety purposes.
Posted in John Nicholson, Kentucky Horse Park at 8:04 pm by EPR
Ted Nicholson Chosen to Manage Park During Search for Permanent Executive Director
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 23, 2014) – The Kentucky Horse Park Commission announced today that it has selected Ted G. Nicholson as the interim executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park following the retirement of John Nicholson on April 30. Ted Nicholson will begin his tenure in May and serve until a permanent executive director is hired later this year. A search firm is expected to begin work to conduct a nationwide search for the permanent executive director within the next 30 days.
“The Kentucky Horse Park Commission is pleased to have Ted Nicholson join our team and lead the Kentucky Horse Park during this transition period,” said Alston Kerr, chair of the Kentucky Horse Park Commission. “With his success at operating multi-million-dollar equine and entertainment facilities at various locations throughout the country, we believe that Ted is the right person to serve as interim director.”
Nicholson currently serves as a partner with the Racing Resource Group, a horse racing consulting firm in Louisville. Prior to that, Nicholson was the vice president and general manager of the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, where he orchestrated the grand opening of the $240 million, 22,500-seat sports and concert facility. He also served as the interim president, corporate vice president and vice president of operations at Churchill Downs in Louisville. Before coming to Kentucky, Nicholson served as the chief operating officer of the New York City Off-Track Betting.
Posted in 2010 Games, 2018 Games, John Nicholson, Kentucky Horse Park, My Thoughts at 11:53 pm by Thomas
First, I will start off by saying Happy New Year, you may say I am a little late but I have learned you need to savior the New Year and give Thanks to the old before moving on. I am thankful for many things in life, my family and friends first and the many people who cross my path if even but once but who give a piece of themselves to me. In that regard I want to give thanks to Mr. John Nicholson for his service over the years at the Kentucky Horse Park, though we have never met but in passing, his influence and the events he has put in motion have certainly provided a unique and positive environment in which to grow in certain aspects of my life. I wish him a well deserved, long and healthy retirement, and hopefully I will get the chance to shake his hand one day to convey my appreciation for all he has done.
Now, before shifting gears on to my resolutions, let me speak to the other side of the coin regarding Mr. Nicholson’s retirement. I have had discussions with some today on that very topic in regards to what it means for our bid for the 2018 Games. Again, I do not know Mr. Nicholson personally, but have listened to him enough and seen his actions to think to offer some insight into the impact of his decision which I believe he made fully with the best interest of the Horse Park in his decision. He certainly has earned his retirement and whether we get the 2018 Games or not will certainly not diminish that and as I still believe we will be successful in our bid that will certainly be a testament to the position he has put the Horse Park in. His stepping aside now allows for the selection of a new Executive Director with enough time before the formal bid to give that individual the time to get comfortable in their new position but not too comfortable. My take on Mr. Nicholson would have been had he still been around in June, he would not have felt he could step down until after the 2018 Games and that would of been a lot to ask of the man, because for someone like him, preparing for the Games isn’t a job it’s a total immersion that touches every aspect of your life. So ultimately I see his retirement as a well thought out decision with the most positive possible out come for the Horse Park.
My resolutions are simple and straight forward. I will continue to work towards always being a better person as I get older and to be thankful for all that I have in my life. A significant part of that will be to do what I can to be a positive influence on the conditions in Kentucky. In regards to what I am doing here that means being dedicated to seeing Kentucky host the World Equestrian Games again and for that to be a positive to the people of the Commonwealth.
One final resolution or maybe I should call it a proclamation. I still continue to believe that we will be successful in winning the bid to host the 2018 Games but if we are not it will not trouble me for a day because I will be working towards seeing us host at some other date in the future for Kentucky is the Horse Capital of the World as we have been blessed by the horse.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond

Posted in 2018 Games, Alltech, Dr. Pearse Lyons, FEI, Governor Beshear, John Nicholson at 11:31 pm by Thomas
The second article in a little over the week has come out touting the possibility of the 2018 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games being back in Kentucky. This article was written by Nancy Jaffer for EquiSearch who had discussions with both John Nicholson and Dr. Pearse Lyons and all indications from those discussions were that the idea of us hosting the 2018 Games was under active consideration, though Mr. Nicholson did temper that by saying “that should not imply a decision has been made”.
Now, based on my research and discussions with others there is certainly an opportunity for us to host the 2018 Games if we so desire. I will go as far as to say that currently the decision has been made and indicated to FEI that we are interested in hosting them. I should and will clarify, that is NOT information that I have gotten directly from the horse’s mouth, excuse the pun, by which I mean anyone in close contact with the 3 needed principals, Dr. Lyons, John Nicholson or the Governor Steve Beshear. Dr. Lyons pretty much hinted though that, that is where the decision lies at the moment, that is to say the Governor is doing the political calculation on whether there would be support for it within our Legislative body to pursue a fast track formal bid. Now the Governor is not facing re-election but I am sure he doesn’t want to start the process of us formally submitting a bid only to then have the Legislature not provide support for it when the come back into Session after the first of the year, being as this upcoming Session will be a Budget Session for Fiscal Years 2015-2016.
My best guess/gut is a formal announcement will be made this month, possibly as early as the 10th or as late as the end of the Alltech National Horse Show which would take us into early November. If a formal announcement one way or the other isn’t made by then I would have to say that highly suggests we are not going to pursue a bid to host. Stay tuned as you know I will be staying on top of this story.
Here is the link to Nancy Jaffer’s article.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in 2026, Governor Beshear, Kentucky Horse Park, My Thoughts, Position Statements at 8:44 pm by Thomas
By now I would assume anyone who has read my blog from over the last almost 8 years, can guess I have a high degree of interest in seeing the World Equestrian Games back in Kentucky again. Now after what I heard last Saturday at the Kentucky State Fair I think I need to re-emphasize that.
It was the Saturday Night of the World’s Championship Horse Show, which is the big night and its not unusual for a sitting Governor to be there to present an award, this year was a little different. The Governor seemed to be doing a stump speech, though not really sure why, but he was going on about how Kentucky is the Horse Capital of the World and how much money this particular week long show brought in. Now let me stop before anyone thinks my intention is to bash the Governor, absolutely not, I like Steve Beshear and the First Lady Jane Beshear who is quite an accomplished horse person in her own right. I will go as far as to say I voted for Governor Beshear, not saying I agree with all his policy positions but certainly think he provides a balance and direction to the Commonwealth that has helped it to weather the economic storm of the last 7 years. I just wish that as the Governor he would openly say that he would like to see the World Equestrian Games back in Kentucky again and at least set the ball in motion considering he realizes how important it for Kentucky that we are the Horse Capital of the World.
So the point I want to drive home is, we are the Horse Capital of the World and we should make it known that we desire to hold the World Equestrian Games every so many cycles, in my opinion, no more then every 16 years with an average of 12, meaning sometimes 8 years and sometimes 16 years. To me it seems a no brainer, there were significant capital improvements made to the Kentucky Horse Park and the infrastructure surrounding it. Those type of capital improvements have a life span just like anything does, I would argue they have a half-life of 16 years meaning if we hosted the Games again by 2026 most of that infrastructure should still be usable having been maintained as part of the standard ops of the Horse Park. Now, I would certainly love to have comments from Architects and Engineers as well as City Planners on where I am right and wrong in that generalization but I am more right that wrong for the sake of my argument, and that argument isn’t whether I am crazy or not, that was settled a long time ago in regards to this. In some ways its no longer an argument on whether the Games are coming back to Kentucky, I will find a way to get them back here because I do believe with all my soul that it is very important to Kentucky and maybe even our responsibility as the Horse Capital of the World to be part of the global rotation that holds the Games, and that is another topic for another post, the idea that there should be set of established host locations, but again, topic for another post.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in Attractions, Discussion, Kentucky Horse Park, Schooling Day at 7:19 pm by Thomas
I am sure most of you who go out to the Kentucky Horse Park for the Cross Country Schooling days have already seen the notice that next Sunday’s (July 7th) Schooling Day has been cancelled. I recently finished my first Dressage Show with my new horse Di’s Dr. Schumocker(TJ Monty) and was hoping to get out there next weekend just to hack around a bit and see how how he did. So now we are left with a single remaining date, Saturday September 7th, so expecting the turn out to be pretty good based on what I hear from others as I have not had to opportunity to make one of these in the past. So I am planning on getting out there for that last date, because it should be fun and this would be a great event to ask those of you who do these both your thoughts on what is more important for Kentucky as Horse Capital of the World, getting the World Equestrian Games back at some future date, say 2022 or 2026 or focusing on these kind of smaller fun uses of our equine facilities and really promoting Kentucky as a State that horse people come for a vacation with their horses. I know many of you will say why don’t we do both, and I think that question comes down to utilizing a finite amount of resources to their maximum potential and that is usually best served by a focused goal of what you want to accomplish. I will put a survey together with questions that more clearly ask the specific questions related to that base question.
Kentucky Colonel
Thomas P. Demond
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park, Kentucky Horse Park Foundation, Schooling Day at 6:18 pm by EPR
Tomorrow’s Schooling day has been cancelled due to the heavy rain that has been occurring and is expected to continue through tomorrow. Tuesday is still a go the last we heard
2013 Schooling Days
Tuesday, May 7
Saturday, June 1
Sunday, July 7
Saturday, September 7
Two sessions per day:
Weekday sessions:
12 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Weekend sessions:
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
For only $35 per horse and rider for a four-hour session, you can treat yourself and your horse to this unique training opportunity. With obstacles from novice to advanced, and combinations similar to those found in competitions, all skill levels are welcome. All proceeds raised from this event help the foundation continue to maintain and improve the competition facilities year-round.
From the registration fee, $20 will be considered a charitable donation, and all participants will receive a tax receipt for that amount.
Stabling is available, but not guaranteed for all schooling days. For riders who are not stabling at the park, a one-day $20 trailer pass or $75 seasonal trailer pass must be purchased at registration. Seasonal trailer passes may also be purchased in advance.
On-site registration
A current coggins and health certificate are required and will be checked upon arrival at the park
All riders must wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet, body-protecting vest, and approved medical armband
For advanced purchase of a seasonal trailer pass, call 859-259-4225
For stabling inquiries, call 859-259-4219
In case of inclement weather, call 859-255-5727
All other questions, please call the Kentucky Horse Park Foundation at
Posted in Announcement, Events of Interest, Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen, Kentucky Horse Council, Kentucky Horse Park at 9:06 pm by Thomas
March 2nd, 2013 – Saturday
This weekend, Saturday March 2nd at 6 PM, Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen will be having their annual meeting which is open to the public at the Mercer County Extension Office in Harrodsburg. This is a great organization made up of a wonderful group of horse people dedicated to seeing that we will always have places to ride. There will be a free dinner and speakers, please check out their Facebook page for more information.
March 9th, 2013 – Saturday
The Woodford Equine Hospital Spring Vaccine Clinic will be held from 8 AM to 2 PM at the Woodford Equine Hospital in Versailles.
After you have gotten your Spring Vaccinations why not head over to the Kentucky Horse Park for the Fayette County Farm Bureau Equipment Consignment Auction which will run from 9:30 Am to 4 PM.
To end your Saturday why not swing by Spindletop Hall for the MSEDA Gala 2013-Cirque du Cheval to benefit the Kentucky Horse Park Foundation starting at 5:30 PM with Cocktails and Dinner at 7:00 PM.
March 27th, 2013 – Wednesday
The Kentucky Equine Youth Festival will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park’s Alltech Arena from 9 AM to 2:30 PM. This will be a great event for the whole family and is worth getting the kids out of school for as an educational event on Kentucky’s signature industry.сондажи
Posted in Kentucky Horse Council, Kentucky Horse Park at 10:30 pm by EPR

Still Needed!
The Kentucky Round-Up is a huge event! We are advertising it broadly, including websites, emails, print ads and billboards. We will expand it next year.
Your help is needed for a number of things:
- “Like” the KY Round-Up Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/KentuckyRoundUp) to getr updates and also spread the word.
- Ads for the program. The ads help pay for printing of the program which will be given to each attendee for no cost. Business card ads are only $60 and Logos only are $40 ADS DUE WEDNESDAY JAN. 23rd.
- Vendors. We are hearing a lot of buzz and expect over 2,500 people! The more the merrier on vendors! Vendor spots are only $150 (business) and $100 (nonprofit).
- Sponsors. We still have room for additional sponsors! Sponsorships start at $250 and go to $10,000. If you know a farm, a business, or a supportive individual or association, please ask them to consider sponsoring so this event can be as successful as possible.
- Spread the word. Tell your friends and neighbors! We have many activities for people who don’t own horses, as well as those who do. We have a large poster which we can send for posting in your area.
- Volunteers for planning committee for 2014 Kentucky Round-Up. (EMAIL GINNY, EXEC. DIRECTOR)
Thank You
Posted in Events of Interest, Kentucky Horse Council, Kentucky Horse Park, Volunteerism at 10:25 pm by EPR
We need some KY Round-Up Volunteers — for a few hours
The Kentucky Round-Up will be jam packed with families, kids, horsemen, horses, vendors, classes, demonstrations, clinics….
We need your help. We have estimated a need for 50 volunteers for the day. We currently have about 25.
Please consider volunteering for just a few hours. Volunteers get free admission, a $10 meal allowance, and a free Kentucky Round-Up T-Shirt. And our heartfelt thanks!
Here are the areas we still need help with:
The Ticket Booth Have 3 people, could use 2 more at 7:30AM
Barn 2 people
Horse Demonstrations Possible 4 (waiting to hear from college group)
Clinics 2 people
Paddock 5 people
Kids Corrall 2 people
Concourse 4 people
Stable 3 people
Set Up Friday Night (4 – 10) 4 people
Break Down Saturday Night 3 people
Thank You!
Kentucky Round-Up benefits the following organizations:
Posted in Government, Governor Beshear, Kentucky, Kentucky Horse Park at 7:08 am by EPR
As the 2012 Olympic Games in London close, Gov. Steve Beshear today recognized the Kentucky Horse Park as an elite international equestrian facility for consistently hosting world-class and Olympic-caliber athletes.
The Horse Park is also a significant economic contributor to the Commonwealth, with an estimated economic impact of approximately $180 million each year.
Rolex Kentucky (photo by www.PixBySteve.com.)
“The Kentucky Horse Park is the only place in our state—and one of the few places in the world—where visitors can see world-class equestrian competitions on a regular basis,” said Beshear. “We are not only the Horse Capital of the World, but Kentucky is also one of the premier homes for high-level equestrian sports. I encourage Kentuckians and visitors to attend one of the many top-rated shows held at the Kentucky Horse Park and witness elite competition firsthand.”
More than 115 athletes who participated in equestrian events in the 2012 Olympics have competed at the Kentucky Horse Park. Seventeen of those athletes earned a medal in the London Olympics.
Athletes frequently travel from Australia, France, Great Britain and many other countries to the Lexington facility to contend for top honors in equestrian sports such as dressage, jumping and eventing.
The Horse Park also hosted the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, which marked the first time the elite competition was held outside of Europe. That event placed Kentucky in the international spotlight and generated more than $200 million in economic impact, and also built on the park’s international reputation as a signature event site. The new facilities added to the Horse Park for WEG continue to attract competitors and tourists to Kentucky from across the country and around the world.
“We appreciate the continued support from the governor and first lady. We are exceedingly proud of our facility and the competitions that bring in visitors and athletes from around the globe,” said John Nicholson, executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park. “The Kentucky Horse Park is clearly one of the leading equestrian competition facilities not just in North America, but anywhere in the world. We expect the tremendous growth of the sport horse industry in Kentucky will accelerate in the years ahead.”
The Kentucky Horse Park is a 1,200 acre competition facility and tourist attraction recognized as the epicenter of equestrian life, sports and business. Most notably, the park annually hosts the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event. The event is ranked at four stars, which is the highest level in international competition.
The Horse Park hosts a number of other award-winning shows as well. The Alltech National Horse Show won the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame’s Show of the year. They were also named the top U.S. show by the North American Riders Group. North American Junior and Young Rider Championships and the two weeks of Kentucky Spring Hunter Jumper were named among the top 25 events in North America.
This year, the facility will host 21 grand prix jumper classes as well as seven national or international hunter derbies, with more than $1 million offered in prize money.
The Park will host three upper-level dressage events in 2013, including the U.S. Dressage Finals.
For more information on the Kentucky Horse Park and its world-class events, please visit kyhorsepark.com.
From Ky. Horse Park
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park, Kentucky Horse Park Foundation at 6:00 pm by EPR
The Kentucky Horse Park Foundation is a Finalist for Toyota’s 100
Cars for Good Program. And with your help,
we can win a new Toyota Tundra full size pickup truck for the
Kentucky Horse Park! |
Please forward this email to all of your friends and encourage them
to vote for the Kentucky Horse Park at
www.100carsforgood.com on Sunday, May 20!Voting for the
Kentucky Horse Park is only open from 10 am to
midnight EDT on Sunday, May 20!

Why do we need a truck? To care for our horses and maintain
the park’s grounds! For more information, watch this fun video:

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Posted in Kentucky Horse Park at 10:55 pm by EPR
Horse Shows Ranked in Top 25 of 2011 Report by North American Riders Group
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 7, 2012) – The North American Riders Group (NARG) has released its second annual report of the Top 25 Horse Shows, and three of those shows are held at the Kentucky Horse Park annually – the Alltech National Horse Show, the Kentucky Spring Horse Shows, and the Adequan FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships. The Kentucky Horse Park was the only facility in North America to host more than one Top 25 show on the list.
“For the Kentucky Horse Park to host one NARG Top 25 show is certainly a notable distinction,” said John Nicholson, executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park. “Hosting three Top 25 shows is an immeasurable honor. This recognition is an example of what the Kentucky Horse Park has worked so long to achieve, and proves that the park is among the best facilities in the world.”
The North American Riders Group, representing the riders and owners in North America, is composed of the top horsemen from the United States, Canada and Mexico and was formed with the goal of improving the sport of show jumping. In the report of the NARG Top 25 Horse Shows of 2011, the group stated, “The North American Riders Group remains steadfast in achieving an essential goal – improving our sport so that once again show jumping in North America will rank among the greatest in the world.”
The Alltech National Horse Show (ANHS), which debuted at the Kentucky Horse Park in October 2011, achieved the highest ranking for any American horse show, and achieved an overall rating of third among all horse shows in North America on the NARG list. This was the show’s 128th edition, having started in Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1883, and it is known as America’s oldest indoor horse show.
According to the NARG report, “Once one of the nation’s most esteemed and celebrated indoor events, The National Horse Show is making a comeback. With the support of Alltech, as well as other sponsors, this year the renowned event relocated to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY. It appears the show will remain at this home of the 2010 (Alltech FEI) World Equestrian Games (WEG) indefinitely, with great efforts to return it to its bygone excellence.”
“We are thrilled that the Alltech National Horse Show has received such a prestigious ranking from the North American Riders Group,” Nicholson said. “To be recognized by a body whose primary purpose is furthering excellence in show jumping and equestrian sport is a measure of achievement for the National Horse Show team that has worked tirelessly for many years already to restore the show to its glory. The Kentucky Horse Park’s Alltech Arena is the perfect new home for this great show and we look forward to the next 100-plus years of its history.”
More than 560 horses and 350 riders from nine countries attended in 2011 and the show’s debut this past season will go down in the record books as one of the most successful in the history of equestrian events in the United States. The second edition of the Alltech National Horse Show will take place Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2012, in the Alltech Arena.
Earning an overall ranking of 13 on the NARG report, the Kentucky Spring Horse Shows is a series of hunter jumper shows held back-to-back for two weeks in May. The Kentucky Spring Horse Show and the Kentucky Spring Classic have been held at the park for 20 years, and utilize the park’s Rolex Stadium, Covered Arena, Hunter Jumper Complex and other facilities.
According to the NARG report, “With the space and amenities to host some of the world’s best outdoor and indoor events, including the World Equestrian Games, the Rolex Three-Day Event, the National Horse Show, USHJA Hunter Derby Finals, North American Young Rider Championships and more, the Kentucky Horse Park is hands down one of the top venues in North America.” The report continues, “Currently with an A+ facility and the ranking classes it offers, the Kentucky Spring Horse Shows remains firmly in the NARG Top 25.”
The Kentucky Spring Horse Show will be held May 9-13, 2012 and the Kentucky Spring Classic will be held May 16-20, 2012. Produced by the same management group, the Kentucky Summer Horse Show will be held July 25-29, 2012 and the Kentucky Summer Classic will be held Aug. 1-5, 2012.
With an overall ranking of 14 on the NARG report, the Adequan FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) is a new event the park was able to attract and accommodate because of its new facilities. Held at the park since 2009, NAJYRC is the highest level competition for qualified young riders in North America to compete in the FEI (International Equestrian Federation) disciplines of Show Jumping, Dressage, Eventing and Reining in a challenging Nations Cup format.
According to the NARG report, “For many, simply landing in Lexington, KY is an experience in itself. Acres of bluegrass and beautiful barns span the roads to the Kentucky Horse Park. As we’ve noted the KHP is a fantastic place to host a championship competition, with 1,200 acres, multiple arenas and fantastic footing. Aside from some very hot and humid summer weather, it is a magnificent setting and a treasured time for those who have worked hard to earn a chance to compete at NAJYRC.”
The next Adequan FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships will be held July 18-22, 2012, and will utilize the Alltech Arena, Rolex Stadium, Covered Arena, Hunter Jumper Complex, Walnut Ring and other facilities.
The North American Riders Group developed the Top 25 ranking system to establish a clear measure of excellence among North America’s horse shows so as to evaluate them fairly so that they could be considered world class. According to the report, “Clearly it is mandatory that a select group of our North American horse shows be considered world class, not only for the benefit of our riders and our continent but also to draw riders from around the world to this side of the ocean to compete.”
“With thousands of multi-day horse shows in the US, Canada and Mexico each year, we only expect 25 events from those three countries to offer the proper mix of ingredients for the top level of our sport.” The report continues, “Whether the location is a large grass field transformed into a glorious grand prix or a multi-million dollar facility, each event should have fabulous footing, courses, ceremony, stabling, hospitality, healthy food, convenient accommodations, strong marketing and be managed by a knowledgeable, friendly staff. NARG divides these key ingredients into eight distinct categories and scores several aspects within each one.”
A copy of the full Top 25 Horse Shows of 2011 report is available at www.NARG.org.
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park at 10:34 pm by EPR
Southern Lights:
Spectacular Sights on Holiday Nights
Wednesday, December 7
Free admission for all current and retired military personnel and their families
on this special Southern Lights evening!
Just show a military i.d., DD-214 or VA Medical Card at the gate for free admission.
This is one very small way for us to say “thank you” to our extraordinary
men, women and families who have served our country in the military.
Southern Lights is an annual holiday event at the Kentucky Horse Park. Take a 3-mile drive surrounded by light displays with more than one million bulbs, then visit our indoor acitivies that include lots for the whole family to enjoy!
859-255-5727 or 859-259-4200
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