Posted in 2010 Games, Test Event, World Equestrian Games at 9:57 pm by Thomas
LEXINGTON, KY—The Kentucky Cup Dressage and Kentucky Cup Jumping test events, the official test events of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, will offer spectators a final preview of the world championship competitions coming to the Kentucky Horse Park September 25 –October 10.
The Kentucky Cup Test Events will be held in conjunction with the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, from April 20 through April 25.
For a complete schedule of Kentucky Cup Dressage, Kentucky Cup Jumping, and the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, go to www.alltechfeigames.com.
“This final series of test events will be an important test of the planning for many of the competition aspects of the Games,” said Kate Jackson, Vice President of Competition for the World Games 2010 Foundation. “By hosting sessions of different disciplines on several days, we will really be able to test many of our procedures for the actual Games.”
Top riders from around the world will compete in the three disciplines of Dressage, Eventing, and Jumping. Kentucky Cup Dressage entry list includes Ashley Holzer, Olympic veteran and 2009 Canadian Equestrian Athlete of the Year; Oded Shimoni, the first Israeli to qualify for and compete in the World Equestrian Games and the Olympics; and Lexington native, Reese Koffler-Stanfield.
The line-up for Kentucky Cup Jumping includes three-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Beezie Madden; Canadian Mac Cone, one of Canada’s most experienced riders having been a steady performer at the international level for over 30 years; and the youngest competitor, Daniel Bluman who will represent Columbia.
This year’s Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event is sure to be exciting as Oliver Townend of Great Britain will attempt to become only the second rider in history to win the $350,000 Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing. Townend has won the first two legs, with wins at Mitsubishi Motors Badminton and Land Rover Burghley Four Star Events; and at Rolex Kentucky next week he will seek to join Pippa Funnell of Great Britain, who did it in 2003, as the only riders to win the Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing.
In addition to world-class competition, spectators will be able to enjoy a variety shopping and food in the Sponsor Village and International Trade Fair of the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, located on the Kentucky Horse Park.
Many Kentucky Cup competition events are free admission. Tickets to some evening Kentucky Cup competitions and the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event will be sold at the gates of the venue. For a full list of ticketed events, please see the schedule at www.alltechfeigames.com .
Posted in World Games 2010 Foundation at 9:55 pm by Thomas
LEXINGTON, KY—The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games today launched a Business Opportunities Web page, which will house bidding opportunities for potential suppliers.
Current bidding opportunities will be posted on http://www.alltechfeigames.com/content.aspx?id=3936. This page will be updated on a regular basis to reflect new bid requests.
The Games will feature world championship competitions in eight equestrian disciplines and will be held at Lexington’s Kentucky Horse Park September 25-October 10.
All businesses and organizations interested in working with the 2010 Games should also register with the Supplier Registration Service prior to submitting any responses. A link to the supplier registration can be found on the Business Opportunities page.
All registered suppliers will receive future bid opportunities directly. However, all potential suppliers are strongly encouraged to check the Business Opportunities page frequently to ensure that you are aware of all bid requests.
Posted in Kentucky Horse Park at 9:47 pm by Thomas
The 3rd Annual John Henry Memorial Equine Adoption Fair at the Kentucky Horse Park continues to be a wonderful event showcasing all the hard work a number of organizations are doing to help find new homes for the many horses that have fallen on hard times. It always surprises me to see some of the horses that are shown that are exceptional horses but in these economic hard times they just can’t find work. Yes, that may sound a little funny to state their situation that way, but horses are like people, well 96% of people, they like to have a job and to feel productive. I know some people want to believe that all a horse wants to do is stand around in a pasture all day eating grass, but horses, maybe only second to dogs really do better when they have a purpose. So an adoption fair could be considered a job fair for horses.

Governor General over a jump during his workout.
A prime example of that was Governor General, a six(6) year old 16.2 hand Thoroughbred gelding in the care of Second Stride . He was a very nice mover and showed enthusiasm for what he was doing while at the same time being well mannered while waiting his turn in the ring.
I have been a volunteer for all three of these adoption fairs so far and think so much of what is being done through these that I have made it a mission to volunteer for every future John Henry Adoption Fair for as long as I live.
It is one of the things I tell people when I speak to them about volunteering. Find a volunteer opportunity that you enjoy and makes you feel good inside, don’t just volunteer for something for the sake of volunteering. There are too many opportunities around for you to have to do that. A lot of people work in jobs they hate because they need a paycheck, when you volunteer it is all just about doing something that you gives you joy in just the doing. When you find that, you will have found something that no one else can take from you.
Posted in 2010 Games, Volunteerism, World Equestrian Games at 10:37 pm by Thomas
I wanted to get the word out that the situation for volunteering looks to have greatly improved. I had my phone interview last weekend and that was very informative and painless. The first question that you are asked is if you will be able to commit to doing 6 shifts and a shift can be up to 8 hours in length. I suspect that for some this is going to be a bit of a surprise and maybe more then you were looking to give.
I will make a personal request to those that maybe would say no because of that, to consider just how important of an event this is and how much your participation as a volunteer will matter. I promise you that being able to say you were a part of the first Games in Kentucky will stick with you forever. I am going to go a bit further and say, if you are able, be willing to do 2 extra shifts, you certainly do not have to say that during your phone interview, but keep it in the back of your mind when you are making your plans. I think a lot of you will probably think I am a little crazy for making that suggestion now, but I think once you are actually a volunteer at the Games, the experience will be such that you might do an extra day or two even without me having suggested it.
The success of these Games, no matter the number of people that come is going to be all about the experience those people have. The jobs that the volunteers do and their interactions with everyone in attendance will be one of the keys in that experience.
For those of you looking to volunteer, or for those that have signed up in the past but haven’t heard anything, please register at the World Equestrian Games Shiftboard Registration .
As a Kentucky Colonel and citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, let me say that your support of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (Kentucky World Equestrian Games) is greatly appreciated and admired.
Ky. Colonel Thomas P. Demond
Founder KyWEGO
Posted in Rolex Kentucky 3 Day Event, Weather at 10:07 pm by Thomas
We have updated our weather forecast for the Rolex. You can find it in our KyWEGO Weather Blog .
Posted in 2010 Games, World Equestrian Games at 9:43 pm by Thomas
Located in the heart of the Kentucky Horse Park, the four-acre Alltech Experience will welcome visitors in a variety of languages that will serve as a tribute to both the international nature of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games and the title sponsor’s global business in 120 countries.
In a central acropolis dedicated to experiencing Alltech’s global initiatives, visitors will explore the future of Alltech pharma and the innovative products that will meet tomorrow’s challenges. The key to unlocking a world of possibilities for the betterment of both human and animal health can be found in Alltech’s science of feeding the gene (nutrigenomics). In this area, we’ll return to the foundation of genetic study with Watson and Crick’s discovery of DNA and then look forward to what can be done today with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and HIV/AIDS through the science of nutrigenomics.
Beyond health and wellness, how will the earth sustain nine billion people in 2050? By being smarter with energy and agriculture, according to Alltech. A scale model biorefinery, solid state fermentation plant, and cogeneration plant surrounded by working windmills, solar panels, algae farms, and cows will transport guests into the future of farming.
Although Alltech is significantly invested in the World Equestrian Games as the first title sponsor, equine represents only a surprising 2-3 percent of the company’s half-billion dollar business. In the pavilion, spectators can explore Alltech’s broader work in improving the natural health and performance of other species including aquaculture, pets, poultry, pigs, and livestock.
After guests learn about Alltech’s roots in brewing and distilling, they can savor an ice cold Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale, a Kentucky Ale product and an Official Beer of the 2010 Games, while meandering through an open-air garden designed by world-renowned landscape artist Jon Carloftis and Alltech’s director of corporate image and design Deirdre Lyons. Here they will enjoy daily entertainment and live musical performances.
John F. Kennedy once said, “A child miseducated is a child lost.” Alltech believes education can and should be fun. In a second set of pavilions, visitors of all ages will have the opportunity to both learn and play through a variety of interactive exhibits including a Kidzone area exploring agriculture and animal health with special guests – penguins and petting sharks courtesy of Newport Aquarium; Dippin’ Dots ice cream; daily workshops led by animal health experts including personnel from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital; a sneak peak at the 2014 Games in France, which will coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Allies’ landing on Normandy’s coast; a special photographic exhibition from the FEI; and much more!
Posted in 2010 Games, Equine Village, World Equestrian Games at 8:35 pm by Thomas
Clinics and Demonstrations are Part of Grounds Pass Ticket Offering
LEXINGTON, KY—As the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games approach, guests should not only be looking forward to the competition, but also to the multitude of equine entertainers and demonstrators that will be a part of the Equine Village.
Among the entertainers in the Equine Village is Clinton Anderson, a clinician known around the world for his training method known as Downunder Horsemanship.
Anderson, who grew up in Australia, became infatuated with riding at a young age. Anderson’s grandparents bought his first horse, Casey, when he was nine years old. Anderson became involved with polocrosse, a combination of polo and lacrosse that originated in Australia.
During a polocrosse game, a man approached Anderson’s father, suggesting clinician Gordon McKinlay could help improve Anderson’s horsemanship skills. Anderson soon attended one of McKinlay’s clinics, and discovered that training horses was actually a career option.
“We’ve gotten to where we have been by a lot of hard work and dedication,” Anderson said about his career. “I started studying this method when I was 13 and once I realized I liked the method, I decided to make a career out of it.”
Anderson decided to leave school at the age of 15 and become McKinlay’s apprentice. After two years with McKinlay, Anderson pursued more training in reining and cutting, working for champion reiner Ian Fracis.
After working with Francis, Anderson opened a training facility in Australia and bought one of his star horses Mindy. Anderson competed with Mindy in the National Reining Horse Association Futurity in Australia and the pair finished third in the finals.
Anderson’s success in the arena influenced him to take his knowledge overseas. He made the U.S. his second home in 1997. He began training, touring and conducting clinics—and Downunder Horsemanship took off.
In addition to his clinics and tours, Anderson wanted to “duplicate” himself so others could benefit from his methods even when he was busy. In April 2001, Anderson launched a weekly training program broadcast in the U.S. on RFD-TV, a satellite network focused on agriculture.
“Downunder Horsemanship is idiot-proof horsemanship,” Anderson said. “We make it simple for people to understand how to train their horses at home.”
Being a part of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is just another step in Anderson’s plan to share his training methods on an international level. Anderson will be giving demonstrations at the Equine Village throughout the duration of the Games.
“We’ve got demonstrations on problem trailering horses, problem groundwork horses and advanced riding demonstrations as well.” Anderson said.
Building on the success of his Walkabout Tour that covered the U.S. this year, Anderson is planning more tours and clinics for 2011. Anderson said being a part of the 2010 Games is a great opportunity to be involved.
“It (the Games) will give me a chance to expose my methods.” Anderson said.
Access to the Equine Village will be available with a Grounds Pass or a competition ticket. Grounds Pass ticket sales begin April 16 at 10 a.m. at www.alltechfeigames.com, www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, and at 1-800-745-3000. Tickets will be on sale at a promotional rate of $20 until May 31. Grounds Pass tickets will be priced at $25 after that time. All children 12 years of age and under will be granted free entry with a paying adult.
Posted in 2010 Games, Test Event, World Equestrian Games at 6:11 am by Thomas
Top Riders Come To Kentucky To Compete At The
2010 Alltech World Equestrian Games Venue
LEXINGTON, KY—The Kentucky Cup Jumping Test Event in preparation for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games will feature some of the biggest stars in the sport.
The test event, to be held April 19-22 in conjunction with the Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event, is in preparation for the Games. The 2010 Games will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park September 25-October 10, marking the first time that equestrian sport’s biggest event is being held outside Europe.
Beezie Madden heads the list of entries to test the show jumping venue for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. At the 2008 Olympic Games, Madden helped lead the US team to the gold medal in the Team Jumping competition and also took the bronze medal in the Individual Jumping event. One of her greatest accomplishments was her win at the Rolex Grand Prix of Aachen in Aachen, Germany. To add to this honor, she was named leading rider in Aachen, one of the most coveted leading rider titles in the world.
Few will forget Madden’s remarkable performance at the 2006 FEI World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany, with only eight faults accumulated during the entire competition. Madden anchored the U.S. team that brought home the silver medal, and added the individual silver medal in a masterful show of horsemanship against the four top riders. Her performance is widely considered as one of the most impressive series of show jumping rounds ever to be seen in a world championship.
Madden is joined on the list of entries by Canadian Mac Cone, one of Canada’s most experienced riders with a steady performance record at the international level for over 30 years. Originally from Tennessee, Cone moved to Canada in 1979 and is the only rider to have competed on both the United States and Canadian Equestrian Teams. In his Olympic debut in Atlanta, Cone was the highest-placed Canadian rider, a feat he would repeat at the 2002 World Equestrian Games in Jerez, Spain. In his second Olympic appearance in 2008, Mac and the impressive Ole were members of Canada’s historic Silver Medal Team.
Fellow Canadian Beth Underhill was first named to the Canadian Equestrian Team in 1990, Beth has ridden in over 25 Nations’ Cup competitions and, in 1993 was the first women to win the Canadian World Cup League, a feat she repeated in 1999. With her retired partner, Monopoly, Beth earned more than $1 million in the show ring. A veteran of Pan American, Olympic and World Equestrian Games, Beth has claimed the Canadian Show Jumping Championship title on three occasions. Underhill won double silver medals at the 1991 Pan American Games in Cuba, and represented Canada at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona and were placed 14th individually at the 1995 World Equestrian Games. Having represented Canada at the 1998 World Equestrian Games in Rome, Beth and Altair were part of the Canadian team bronze medal effort at the 1999 Pan American Games. The same year, they finished second in the richest show jumping event in the world, the $800,000 du Maurier International at the Spruce Meadows Masters tournament, where Beth was also named the Leading Lady Rider.
A Californian by birth, Lauren Hough lives the equestrian dream. Hough entered the grand prix circuit in 1993 – before she could drive. At a mere 15 years of age, she earned the title of Pacific Coast Horseman’s Association Rookie of the Year. No stranger to the international spotlight, Hough rode Clasiko to a strong finish in the 2000 Olympic Selection Trials and then to a sixth place team finish in the 2000 Sydney Olympics—when she was only 22 years old, In 2003 Hough was named to the U.S. team for the Pan American Games where she grabbed Team Gold. She then served as a team alternate for the 2004 Athens Olympics. She comes by her talent naturally as the daughter of noted equestrians Linda and Champ Hough (Champ Hough was on the 1952 Three-Day Eventing Olympic Team).
Adding international flair to the Kentucky Cup is Daniel Bluman who will represent Columbia. The name Blumen in Colombia is synonomous with equestrian sports. With a big win at the USGPL Invitational in Canada at the age of 19, Bluman is certainly an athlete to watch.
Come watch some of the best and brightest athletes of jumping, who will join the stars of eventing and dressage at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, during the Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event, the hosts of the Kentucky Cup Dressage and Show Jumping Test Event.
Kentucky Cup Show Jumping
Show Jumping Warm-Up
Friday, April 23, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Show Jumping Grand Prix
Saturday, April 24, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Show Jumping Speed Class
Sunday, April 25, 6:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m.
The Grand Prix on Saturday night and the Speed Class on Sunday night are ticketed events, priced at $15 and $20. Tickets to all events are now on sale. To purchase tickets to Kentucky Cup Dressage, the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, and Kentucky Cup Jumping, visit https://www.ticketreturn.com/prod2/team.asp?SponsorID=2513
Posted in Uncategorized at 6:08 am by Thomas
LEXINGTON, KY–This fall, visitors from around the world will get a chance to experience all the sights, sounds and tastes that Kentucky has to offer during the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, without ever leaving the Kentucky Horse Park.
“Our goal is to immerse visitors in all that is Kentucky so that before they return home, or the next time they travel, they won’t be able to resist seeing the real thing,” said Mike Cooper, Kentucky’s Commissioner of Travel & Tourism.
While the primary focus of the 2010 Games is eight world championships in equestrian sport, spectators from around the world will be able to enjoy The Kentucky Experience, which will present the multitude of Kentucky cultural, historical and artistic features that make the Bluegrass State such a unique and special place among the world’s travel destinations.
Located at the Kentucky Horse Park and grounds of the Games from September 25 through October 10, The Kentucky Experience is a major exposition that will feature the nine tourism regions of the Commonwealth, from the lakes in the west, to the mountains in the east, and even to the caves and Corvettes in the south.
The Kentucky Experience will have three Pavilions to entice visitors. The first stop, though, is The Kentucky Experience Welcome Center. At the Welcome Center, visitors will get a dose of Kentucky hospitality as hosts will provide a list of daily events and provide information on each region represented.
Next, walk through the regions of Kentucky and experience the Bluegrass State in the Exhibit Pavilion. Images, artifacts and audio will combine to present a virtual tour of the Commonwealth. From Ali to Colonel Sanders, horses to houseboats, artists to aquariums, and so much more, the Exhibit Pavilion will present an unbridled Kentucky experience.
The Kentucky Product Pavilion is designed give visitors a taste of Kentucky, literally. Local bourbon distillers will be on hand to show (and let you sample!) the bourbon distilling process, in addition to local wineries and wine tastings. Kentucky ales will also be featured. Visitors will also be able to taste a selection of Kentucky Proud products, such as beer cheese and bourbon balls. Beautiful handmade Kentucky folk crafts and world-famous art will be on display and even available for purchase.
Follow the sounds to the Entertainment Pavilion, where performances will be occurring throughout the Games, all by Kentucky artists. Kentucky is well known for its Bluegrass and Country artists, and will be found at the entertainment pavilion, but so too will the full array and diversity of talent that resides in Kentucky.
The Welcome Center and pavilions will surround a beautiful Kentucky courtyard garden designed by nationally known master gardener and Rockastle County native, Jon Carloftis.
See it, experience it…The Kentucky Experience!
Access to the The Kentucky Experience will be available with a Grounds Pass or a competition ticket. Grounds Pass ticket sales begin April 16 at 10 a.m. at www.alltechfeigames.com, www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, and at (800) 745-3000. Tickets will be on sale at a promotional rate of $20 until May 31. Grounds Pass tickets will be priced at $25 after that time. All children 12 years of age and under will be granted free entry with a paying adult.
For more information, visit www.alltechfeigames.com and www.thekentuckyexperience.com
Posted in 2010 Games, World Equestrian Games at 6:05 am by Thomas
LEXINGTON, KY—Fifth Third Bank has joined the sponsorship ranks of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, as both the presenting sponsor of The Kentucky Experience and the Official Community Bank of the Games.
Fifth Third Bank, as presenting sponsor of The Kentucky Experience, is supporting the showcase of the state’s tourism destinations to hundreds of thousands of Games visitors. The Kentucky Experience will be a series of spectacular pavilions encompassing over 25,000+ square-feet in the heart of the 2010 Games venue at the Kentucky Horse Park. It will feature three main structures, highlighting and depicting Kentucky’s nine tourism regions, entertainment performances from Kentucky artists, and local food, spirits and art and craft products.
“The Kentucky Experience will allow spectators to see the unique culture of Kentucky and the many tourism opportunities that await them during their visit,” said Kentucky First Lady Jane Beshear. “We are honored to have a community partner in Fifth Third Bank supporting the Kentucky Experience as our presenting sponsor.”
“We appreciate the support we receive from Fifth Third Bank and the business community for this event that allow us to showcase Kentucky,” said Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Marcheta Sparrow. “This will give our tourism industry all across the state a unique opportunity to tell an international audience about what Kentucky has to offer.”
As the Official Community Bank of the 2010 Games, Fifth Third will provide a variety of financial service support to the World Games Foundation, including a number of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) around the venue of the Kentucky Horse Park for spectator use.
“The partnership between Fifth Third Bank, the World Games and Kentucky Experience is part of the bank’s commitment to helping improve Central Kentucky and build a better tomorrow for our customers,” said Sam Barnes, Fifth Third Bank Central Kentucky President & CEO. “Celebrating our 20th year in the Bluegrass, Fifth Third is excited to support these outstanding events that will promote and enhance the Commonwealth for years to come. We look forward to being an active and engaged sponsor.”
The joint sponsorship signals an effort to support not only the Games, but the legacy and economic impact the event stands to hold for the state.
“We are proud to have Fifth Third Bank as a corporate sponsor of the 2010 Games,” said Terry Johnson, Vice President of Sales for the Foundation. “Their sponsorship not only supports our efforts to stage the best event possible, it also supports Kentucky’s tourism efforts, which will have a lasting impact on Commonwealth for years to come.”
About Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Bancorp is a diversified financial services company headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Company has $111 billion in assets, operates 16 affiliates in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Georgia and North Carolina. Fifth Third Bank has more than 80 banking center locations in Kentucky, including 19 in Central Kentucky. Fifth Third operates four main businesses: Commercial Banking, Branch Banking, Consumer Lending, and Investment Advisors. Fifth Third also has a 49% interest in Fifth Third Processing Solutions, LLC. Investor information and press releases can be viewed at www.53.com. Fifth Third’s common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® National Global Select Market under the symbol “FITB.” Member FDIC.
About the Kentucky Experience
The Kentucky Experience is to be all things Kentucky…the total package; food, arts and folk crafts, entertainment and visitor opportunities from one end of the Commonwealth to the other. Consider it like a preview designed to entice you to return to see a movie. This movie will be something you will not want to miss!
Think of “The Kentucky Experience” as a mini “World’s Fair” that focuses entirely on Kentucky. In one location, you’ll be able to see the sights, sounds and attractions that make Kentucky unique. We expect that once guests tour “The Kentucky Experience, they will want to stay longer, or plan a return trip to Kentucky to visit our many vacation spots. For more information on The Kentucky Experience, please visit www.TheKentuckyExperience.com.
Posted in 2010 Games, World Equestrian Games at 8:36 pm by Thomas
Entertainment to be Part of Grounds Pass Ticket Offering
LEXINGTON, KY—As the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games approach, guests should not only be looking forward to the competition, but also to the multitude of equine entertainers and demonstrators that will be a part of the Equine Village.
Among the entertainers that are part of the Equine Village is Tommie Turvey, equine extremist. How exactly would one define an equine extremist? Well, Turvey said he demonstrates tricks and stunts that will be quite a different experience for many people.
For Turvey, entertainment came naturally. Turvey’s father was a stunt man and Turvey was labeled as the “class clown” in high school. At the same time, Turvey also loved horses and couldn’t wait to get home from school every day and ride.
“Being a boy and my dad being a stunt man, the softer side of horsemanship didn’t appeal to me much,” Turvey said.
Turvey didn’t like competitive riding either because a single judge evaluates most equestrians. Turvey preferred an audience, and it wasn’t long before he realized he could combine his two interests and use his horsemanship and performing talent in the same arena.
When he was 19 years old, Turvey got a job at a medieval times dinner theatre and performed jousting and other activities on horseback. Since then he has been in circuses, shows, movies, and performed all over the world.
Although Turvey makes his performances exciting, his horses make it possible. Turvey puts much of his efforts into training his horses to help him perform stunts and tricks that leave audience members in awe.
“The key to getting a horse to do all of the things that I do is getting him to trust you first,” Turvey said. “I make sure the horse wants to be with me at all times and looks to me for guidance.”
Turvey said he does a lot of liberty training, which includes cueing the horse by voice and body language instead of using physical cues. Turvey will demonstrate some of his training techniques at the Equine Village.
Like many equestrians, Turvey is anticipating the arrival of the Games and is even taking time off from performing before the Games in order to prepare. As much as he has enjoyed traveling the world to perform, Turvey is excited to have the Games here in the U.S.
“It is nice to have people from around the world come to the United States,” Turvey said. “I can represent what we do here and say ‘Hey! American cowboys are pretty good horse trainers too.’”
Tommie Turvey will perform in the Equine Village of the 2010 Games from September 26-30 and October 7-10.
Access to the Equine Village will be available with a Grounds Pass or a competition ticket. Grounds Pass ticket sales begin April 16 at 10 a.m. at www.alltechfeigames.com, www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, and at 1-800-745-3000. Tickets will be on sale at a promotional rate of $20 until May 31. Grounds Pass tickets will be priced at $25 after that time. All children 12 years of age and under will be granted free entry with a paying adult.
For more information, visit www.alltechfeigames.com
To learn more about Tommie Turvey visit his website http://www.equineextremist.net/.
Posted in 2010 Games, Equine Village, World Equestrian Games at 8:33 pm by Thomas
All Part of Grounds Pass Ticket Offering at 2010 Games
LEXINGTON, Ky.—Families will find hours of fun at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in the Kids Zone area of the Equine Village.
The Kids Zone is a special and exciting interactive area designed for fun and education for all ages. This special area is anchored by the EquiMania Education Centre from the University of Guelph in Canada. Children and adults alike will be able to braid a horse’s tail and dig for bones. They will also meet SEMORE and QUATTRO, life sized horse models created to educated children the anatomy of the horse. Families will be encourage do further explore the world of horses with areas dedicated to rider safety, horse welfare, and horse careers.
In addition to the EquiMania exhibits, families can see what it is like to be a real cowboy chasing cattle on a mechanical cutting horse. This fantastic exhibit has multiple levels and will appeal to the young child or the professional cutting horse trainer.
The American Shetland Horse Association will also assist with live pony activities. Children will have the opportunity to pet and brush a pony under safe supervision. Molly, the pony who survived hurricane Katrina and now has an artificial leg, will also be in attendance.
In addition, the Native American Village will entertain and educate visitors about the culture, music and horses of our country’s original citizens. This area will feature an authentic teepee, drummers and story tellers.
Several acts will showcase various equestrian disciplines at a kid-friendly level. The National Youth Harness Horse Association will be putting on demonstrations to introduce everyone to the wonderful world of driving. The talented young equestrian Lizzie Turband and her pony will teach fans about trick riding. The California Cowgirls, one of the best drill and trick riding teams in America, will be on hand to delight and answer questions from aspiring cowgirls.
Finally, the Kids Zone will be host to the world champion of Sand Castle building, who will be inviting everyone to jump in a giant sand box and build along with him.
Access to the Equine Village and Kids Zone will be available with a Grounds Pass or a competition ticket. Grounds Pass ticket sales begin April 16 at 10 a.m. at www.alltechfeigames.com, www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, and at 1-800-745-3000. Tickets will be on sale at a promotional rate of $20 until May 31st. Grounds Pass tickets will be priced at $25 after that time. All children 12 years of age and under will be granted free entry with a paying adult.
Posted in 2010 Games, World Equestrian Games at 8:31 am by Thomas
Michelle Gibson
Don Angelo
Pierre St Jacques
Lucky Tiger
Ashley Holzer
Pop Art
Lars Petersen
Melissa Taylor
Schumacker Solyst
Melissa Taylor
Diane Creech
Devon L
Diane Creech
Jane D. Hannigan
Shawna Harding
Come On III
Yvonne Losos de Muniz
Optimus Prime
Victoria Winter
Todd Flettrich
Mikala Munter Gundersen
Chris Von Martels
Jacqueline Brooks
Jacqueline Brooks
Gran Gesto
Bonny Bonnello
Belinda Trussell
Jaimey Irwin
Ute Busse
Lindor’s Finest
Katherine Bateson Chandler
Dea II
Arlene F. Page
Luis Reteguiz-Denizard
Tina M. Konyot
Calecto V
Nadine Schlonsok
Gary Vander Ploeg
Marco Bernal
Shannon Dueck
Dr. Cesar Parra
Don Ulrik
Oded Shimoni
Reese Koffler Stanfield
Goubergh’s Kasper
Posted in 2010 Games, Disciplines, Dressage, Test Event, World Equestrian Games at 8:28 am by Thomas
Top Riders Come To Kentucky To Compete At The
2010 Alltech World Equestrian Games Venue
LEXINGTON, KY—The Kentucky Cup Dressage Test Event in preparation for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is gearing up to be a spectacular showcase of top level dressage.
The test event, to be held April 19-22 in conjunction with the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, is in preparation for the Games which will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park, September 25-October 10.
Riders and horses from eight countries will be competing at the Kentucky Cup including Michelle Gibson, who with her mount Peron scored 75.20% at the Atlanta Olympic Games, the highest score ever awarded an American at an Olympics; Ashley Holzer, Olympic veteran and 2009 Canadian Equestrian Athlete of the Year; Oded Shimoni, the first Israeli to qualify for and compete in the World Equestrian Games and the Olympics.
The three-star test event will feature all three classes of international competition, the Grand Prix, Grand Prix Special and the Grand Prix Freestyle, a stylized competition set to music and choreographed for each horse and rider, allowing the rider to create their own test which must include specific compulsory movements.
Kentucky Cup Dressage will begin the week of official test events. All Kentucky Cup Dressage events will be held in the Outdoor Stadium. The schedule includes
Tuesday, April 20, 9:00 a.m. Dressage Grand Prix
Wednesday, April 21 10:00 a.m. Grand Prix Special
Thursday, April 22 at 7:00 p.m. Dressage Freestyle
The Freestyle competition on April 22 is a ticketed event, priced at $15. Tickets to all test events can be purchased online through April 7 and at the gates of the event. To purchase tickets to Kentucky Cup Dressage, the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, and Kentucky Cup Jumping, visit
Posted in 2010 Games, Equine Village, Events, World Equestrian Games at 8:12 am by Thomas
Exhibits and Demonstrations Offered with Grounds Pass Tickets
LEXINGTON, KY—More than 50 of the world’s top performers and clinicians will showcase their talents and expertise during the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.
Entertainment, demonstrations, clinicians and lecturers will delight and educate spectators in the Equine Village of the Games grounds each day during the 16 days of the Games, which take place at Lexington’s Kentucky Horse Park September 25-October 10, 2010.
The Equine Village daily acts and 40+ exhibits will be available with a Grounds Pass ticket. Tickets will be available for purchase through www.alltechfeigames.com/tickets, on www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, and via the Ticketmaster hotline at 1-800-745-3000. Grounds Pass tickets go on sale April 16.
The Equine Village will include daily demonstrations from Pat Parelli, Lynn Palm, and John Lyons, as well as daily exhibits including the Parade of Breeds, EquiMania, Molly the Pony, the NCHA mechanical horse and cow, the Native American Village and a pony petting area.
In addition, a limited number of performances by Stacey Westfall, Tommy Turvey and Mario Contreras will be offered in the Equine Village.
For a full schedule of activities, visit http://www.alltechfeigames.com/content.aspx?id=3956.
Grounds Pass tickets will be priced at $25 each, but from April 16 through May 31, as a special promotion, tickets will be available for $20. Each Grounds Pass will allow entry to the 2010 Games venue for the selected date of purchase.
To provide for an affordable, family-friendly event, admission for children 12 years of age and under will be free of charge when accompanied by a paying adult.
A limited quantity of Flex Grounds Pass tickets will be available for $30. The Flex Grounds Pass can be used for entry on any one day of choice, without selecting a specific date of attendance at the time of purchase. Grounds Pass tickets are available for 13 days during the Games, excluding the competition days of Endurance, Eventing Cross Country and Driving Marathon. Spectators who wish to purchase admission for these competitions should visit www.alltechfeigames.com/tickets.
About the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games
The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games are the world championships of eight equestrian disciplines recognized by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI). The Games are held every four years and this will be the first occurrence in the United States.
The Games will be broadcast on NBC Sports, which has marked the largest commitment to network coverage of equestrian sport in U.S. television history. The 2010 Games are expected to have a statewide economic impact of $150 million, and current sponsors include Alltech, Rolex, John Deere, Ariat International, Inc., Meydan and the University of Kentucky. For more information on the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, please visit www.alltechfeigames.com.
Posted in Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen, Volunteerism at 9:40 am by Thomas
Harrodsburg, KY, April 4, 2010 – Members and friends of the Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen (Ft. Harrod BCH) are converging on Eagle’s Nest Equestrian Trails in Harrodsburg on April 10 – 11, 2010 to repair water crossings.
The group of central Kentucky equestrian trails enthusiasts has been instrumental in maintaining trails at both Eagles Nest and Shaker Village since their inception two years ago.
The upcoming work weekend will focus on rebuilding two creek crossings to properly maintain water flow and reduce erosion and mud. The project requires rock and other materials which are being purchased through a grant from the Tractor Supply Company and the American Quarter Horse Association.
Heavy equipment including a bobcat and tractor will be used to transport rock to the work areas and do the strenuous digging. Volunteers are needed to back dig the crossings, shovel rock, and perform other related tasks. Greenline Implement of Danville is donating the use of a used tractor for the weekend. Regular Eagles Nest camper, Brad Rogers of Nelson County, will supply and operate the bobcat.
Ft. Harrod BCH members, Dennis Blackburn the Eagles Nest Trail Boss and Cory Bloyd of Watermark Construction, planned the trail crossing improvements in accordance with practices employed by nationally renowned trail design expert, Mike Riter. Both Blackburn and Bloyd completed an intense course of study on building and maintaining sustainable trails with Riter.
“We are very fortunate to have members with trail master certification which qualifies them to develop plans for sustainable trail improvements,” said Ft. Harrod BCH President, Brian Rogers. “We’re asking anyone who rides at or enjoys Eagles Nest to bring their tampers, shovels, and wheelbarrows and support this important improvement.”
The work weekend is scheduled on Saturday April 10, 2010 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. with a potluck lunch and on Sunday from 1-5 p.m. In the event of rainfall the work weekend may be postponed. To volunteer or for more information contact trail boss, Dennis Blackburn, at 859-613-2665 or hardrockfarm@gmail.com.
The Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen is a local affiliate of the Back Country Horsemen of America. The member based association of trail enthusiasts works in Central Kentucky to develop and maintain sustainable trails, build land use relationships, and provide educational opportunities. For more information or to join the Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen visit www.kybch.com or contact Brian Rogers at rogers1822@roadrunner.com or 859-806-8267.
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