2021 Lunar Eclipse 11/19/21
The weather turned out to be perfect for viewing the near Total Eclipse of the Moon on the morning of Friday, November 19th, 2021. This was the longest Lunar Eclipse in almost 600 years and did not disappoint.
KyWEGO® Kentucky World Equestrian Games Citizens Action Group
Posted in Astronomical, Lunar Eclipse at 10:58 am by Thomas
The weather turned out to be perfect for viewing the near Total Eclipse of the Moon on the morning of Friday, November 19th, 2021. This was the longest Lunar Eclipse in almost 600 years and did not disappoint.
Posted in Fall Colors, Kentucky at 11:25 pm by Thomas
So the color arrived about a month late just in time for the leaves to fall off the trees but I did get a few decent pictures locally and have seen enough other pictures to say it wasn’t a totally disappointing Fall in regards to color.
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