Labor Day!
I want to wish everyone a productive labor day, that may seem a little backwards for a day that is supposed to be a holiday from work, but in this economy, none of us can take it too easy. I have made the point before and I will make it again that I feel we all should do some form of voluntary labor that we do not expect to gain monetarily from, many times we gain more from those efforts.
I know that is tough in this economy, most of us that still have jobs are working more hours at our “Jobs” because of the reductions in force that have occurred. Those of you who have become unemployed, I feel for you and wish there was more I could do, so I am going to try and not get on my soap box and say you should volunteer. What I will say is volunteering isn’t only a good way to network it can also be good therapy because I think a lot of us equate our level of worth to what we are doing. So when you volunteer you know you are not doing it for the money, you are doing it because its something that matters to you and you are making a difference, no amount of money can replace that feeling.
I wish everyone a Terrific Tuesday!
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