

Posted in Announcement at 12:01 am by Thomas

It has been a busy start to summer, and summer hasn’t officially started yet, but I finally got around to making my video for Purina’s “Live from Lexington” Blog-O-Spondent contest.  Purina is looking for two people to be Blog-O-Spondents at the Games, and who better then yours truly.

Of course things come up and I find myself trying to shoot a 60 second video on the fly on the last evening to be able to submit it.  Amazingly after a number of takes I managed to get one that I at least found except-able  that came in at a minute and 2 seconds, pretty good doing that unscripted.  I am much more at ease handling the logistics of a video shoot then I am actually trying to star in and direct at the same time.  The funny thing is, I am always ready to talk about the Games to anybody willing to listen (and I am sure a few who weren’t) but it is always harder just talking to a camera.  I also have to give thanks to my horse “Charm’s Express”, she was patient with me tonight, though by the end she was tired of just looking at the grass.

You can see my video on YouTube

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